Symbolic Enhancement of Institutional, Commercial and Industrial Buildings of the First Republic by Motifs of Work, Trade and Industry
13.07.2012 14:20
In: Industrial Heritage - Ecology and Economy: XIV International TICCIH Congress 2009 in Freiberg. Chemnitz: Sächsische Industriemuseum, 2011, p. 255-261. ISBN 978-3-934512-22-1.
Lenka Popelová
Katedra architektury (K 129, místnost D2112b) Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze
Thákurova 7, Praha 6, 166 29
Department of Architecture (office D2112b)
Faculty of Civil Engineering Czech Technical University in Prague
Thakurova 7/2077 166 29 Prague 6 - Dejvice Czech Republic
Katedra architektury (K 129, místnost D2112b) Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze
Thákurova 7, Praha 6, 166 29
Department of Architecture (office D2112b)
Faculty of Civil Engineering Czech Technical University in Prague
Thakurova 7/2077 166 29 Prague 6 - Dejvice Czech Republic